We try out a 4-port LF-MW-SW-VHF Distribution amplifier

4 port DA 2025 by Tom Seeger of OntarioWelcome to the DXer.ca website - a resource for radio listeners, SWL's DXers and hams... on the air since 1995. My name is Colin and I have been a radio enthusiast since I was a kid in the 1960's. Long distance AM radio reception has always fascinated me and I have had one radio or another to play with since I was 6 or 7 years old.

Photo at right: One of many tools that you cannot live without in your "shack"!
Head over here to read the new review of this product.

My parents, always motivated to keep their kids engaged in the World around them, handed me my first transistor radio while I was still learning to walk and talk. Throughout the late 1960's (and during a global cultural revolution...) radio kept me in the groove -- perhaps too much for such young ears... but that was the way. 

By 1971 I had my first encounter with a multiband shortwave portable, my first station heard being WWV -- and I was then hooked for life! This experience is captured for all time in my ham radio call sign VA7WWV! I built my first multiband radio from a kit in 1973. In 1979 I started my career in electronics with a college pre-apprenticeship program. By 1985, I was a red-seal electronics technician. I retired from a local university after 36 years of technical service to that community. Now I have built my home research/development/production shop!

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I make (amongst other things...) VACTROL units for Flag/Pennant/EWE Antennas (I'm the only person making them...) and Misek-Lankford Phasers -- etc 

We are adding items to our inventory - Stay tuned for more surprises!

We review radios -- new and old. Stay tuned for some fresh content. 

XHDATA radio have been sending me various units to test out and we are having fun with this - stay tuned for an update/review of these radios.

 A few sound bytes from our vast audio archives

Ian McFarland's final show on RCI - March 1991

Colin Newell on CBC Spark with Nora Young